Augustin Daoust (3)
(1847 - 1915)
On the 31st of March one thousand eight hundred
forty seven by me pastor undersigned was baptized
Augustin born two days ago of the legitimate marriage
of Augustin Daoust, farmer and Olive Graton of
this parish godfather Augustin Graton godmother
Catherine Ethier who as well as the father were unable
to sign.

Augustin Daoust a épousé Agnes Grignon
le 7 octobre 1867 en la paroisse de St Augustin dans le conté de Deux
Montagnes.  La photocopie si dessus proviens du prèsbytere.  Parmi ceux qui ont signés nous retrouvons Edesse, la soeur d'Augustin et son mari Olivier Richer et Herménégilde Daoust, le frère du marié.  Ce document nèst pas identique au document civil.
Le trente un mars mil huit cent quarante sept
             nous curé soussigné avons baptizé Augustin né
B33 depuis deux jours du légitime mariage d' Augustin
Augustin Daoust, cultivateur et de Olive Graton de cette
Daoust    paroisse. Parrain Augustin Graton marraine
             Catherine Ethier qui ainsi que leur pere ont su

Augustin Daoust married Agnes Grignon
on October 7th, 1867 in the parish of St Augustin in the County of Two Mountains.  The above was photocopied in the presbytery from the original church register entry.  Among those who signed were Augustin's sister, Edesse and her husband, Olivier Richer and Herménégilde Daoust, brother of the groom.  This document is slightly different from the civil copy.