Guillaume Daoust, the son of / le fils de Guillaume
and / et de Marie Madeleine de Lalonde
On this day 30th october 1694 was baptized guillaume
D'Aoust son of guillaume D'Aoust and Marie Magdeleine
de la Londe his wife residing at the fort of
this church who was born yesterday the godfather
Jean Baptiste de la Londe the godmother catherine
godin the father signed and the godfather and the
godmother have declared they do not know how to
sign as required.
Daoust Remy cure
guillaume Ce jourdhuy 30ieme octobre 1694 a este baptise guillaume
D'Aoust fils de guillaume D'Aoust et de Magdeleine deLonde sa femme demeurants du fort de cette eglise qui naquit le jour d'hier
le parain Jean Baptiste de la Londe la marine catherine godin
le pere a signe et le parain et la maraine ont declare ne savoir signe comme requis
Daoust Remy cure
S le dernier jour d'octobre mil Sept cens Soixante et six a ete inhume dans
Elizabeth L'Eglise le corps de Elizabeth Pilon femme de guillaume d'aoust decede depuis deux jours
Pilon agee denviron Soixante et douze ans ont ete presents francois et claude daoust
et autre lequels on declare ne Savoir Signer de le requis Reverchon ptre t
S On the last day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty six was buried in the church
Elizabeth the body of Elizabeth Pilon the wife of guillaume d'aoust, She passed away two days ago at the age
Pilon of around seventy two. Present were francois and claude daoust and others who declared they were unable to sign Reverchon priest