Euclide et sa chaise!!
Voici des photos d'une chaise localisée près du poêle dans la cuisine de la maison familiale à Sturgeon Falls . C'était l'endroit préféré d'Euclide qui aimait s'y prélasser en y fumant sa pipe. Il y brûlait son allumette sous le bras de la chaise; voilà pourquoi le vernis avait disparu! C'éttais SA chaise!
Euclide and his chair !!
The chair pictured here used to be in the kitchen of the family home in Sturgeon Falls.  It was beside the stove.  It was here, Euclide would take his breaks and smoke a pipe.  He would light a match by striking it under the arm of the chair (the varnish disappeared!).  It was HIS chair.